Buying vs leasing is one of the most popular questions when it comes to Stephenville drivers in the market to buy a new vehicle. Below, we break down the difference between your two options and which one would be best in your given situation. Once you give it a read, feel free to explore our new vehicle inventory, apply for financing, and contact us to schedule a test drive for your model of choice in Granbury!
First things first, you need to understand that leasing essentially means you are renting your vehicle. So while leasing means you don’t get to build equity or sell the vehicle, it also means only have to pay for the depreciation that occurs over the duration of the lease term, So your monthly payments will be smaller and so will your down payment.
Other benefits of leasing vs. buying include flexibility. When your lease is up, you can renew it, swap it out, end it, or finance the remaining value of your lease. This gives you a lot more freedom to swap out your vehicles to keep up with the trends in Glen Rose as well as financial freedom if you’re working on a budget.
There are pros and cons to both options and it fully depends on your financial abilities as well as your intention. The most important question to ask yourself here is whether you intend to own the vehicle or not. Your vehicle’s value is more than the depreciation over a temporary lease period, so expect to make a larger down payment, pay more sales tax, and make bigger monthly payments to finance. But this also you’ll be able to sell the car at any time, which many Granbury drivers would consider a big upside. Financing is almost always the most cost-effective strategy, but it does require bigger costs upfront and month-by-month and greater commitment.
If you’re wondering, “Should I buy or lease a car?” we applaud you for doing your due diligence in ensuring you’re making the right financial decision for you. But if you’re still unsure which is one best for your lifestyle, don’t worry! Our finance center team is ready to help set you and all our Weatherford drivers on the right path. In the meantime, take a look at our lease and finance options while you look for that perfect new car upgrade at Granbury Nissan!